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It Takes an 'Ohana

Hawaii's Foster Care Resource

Adoptee Access to Original Birth Certificate

This new online documentary speaks to the issues related to adoptee access to their original birth certificates. It is “Vital Records,” a 20 minute film by Jean Strauss, and can be found at  In the voices of birth parents, adoptive parents, adoptees, and their allies we hear rebutted all of the arguments presented against access. It is persuasive, poignant, and powerful, reinforcing the imperative that every adoptee must have the right to their original birth certificate.

Thanks to Judith Ashton for alerting us to this resource. Judith’s contact information is listed below:

Judith Ashton, Executive Director
NYS Citizens’ Coalition for Children, Inc.
410 East Upland Road
Ithaca, NY 14850
Fax:  607-272-0035

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