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Chapin Hall

Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago has, since its inception in 1985 as a research and policy center, focused on a mission of improving the well-being of children and youth, families, and their communities by developing and testing new ideas, generating and...

Connecting With Your Teen

Normally teens spend less time with their families than they did as younger children.  When we parent a teen who is in foster care, the normal developmental stage of becoming  more independent becomes a bit more complicated.  They may not be able to show it or may not...

Dealing With Temper Tantrums

Two- and three-year-olds have many skills, but controlling their tempers is not one of them. Tantrums are common at this age because toddlers are becoming independent and developing their own wants, needs, and ideas. This tip sheet gives us tips on preventing tantrums...

April is National Child Abuse Awareness Month

In the spirit of awareness, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Families is highlighting information and resources related to child abuse prevention.  Click on the following link to be directed to their Strengthening...

Raising Your Grandchildren

Parenting the second time around brings special challenges and special joys. Do not hesitate to ask for help or seek services in your community for yourself and your grandchildren. This document was created by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services...