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Research on Caregivers’ Participation in Court

The primary purpose of this study, conducted in California, was to examine how training in the family court process affects cargivers’ knowledge and attitudes about participating in court hearings and the likelihood that they will participate.  In addition, the...

Legal Right to Notification

Foster parents play a very important role as a team member meeting the needs of the child in their home. Because of the foster parents’ daily interactions with the child, they have the most complete information about the child. It is important for you, as the foster...

Legal Resource Manual for Foster Parents

This manual is also available to download at Or you can download it here in four parts. 1. Permanency, Foster Parents and the Law This chapter of the Legal Resource Manual for Foster Parents provides information on the basic...

Communicating through Letter Writing

With so many people involved in the lives of your foster children, documentation becomes very important. Download this article for useful tips on advocacy and the written word.

Advocacy: Taking Action to Make a Difference

To effectively get started in advocating for families, you need to find your focus. You may feel frustrated when you see the many ways systems fail to serve families, but your desire to want to fix everything can paralyze your efforts. To be effective, you need to...

It’s All in the Preparation: Preventing Allegations

Probably the single greatest traumatic incident for the good people who come forward to be foster or adoptive parents is to be accused of some form of child abuse.  People who come forward to care for children usually view themselves as people who love children and...