This weekend, we all mourned the passing of 20 very young children and six brave adults. As resource families and child welfare professionals, acts of violence against children sadden us deeply. Every act of violence against a child reminds us of the work left to be done.
So, let us continue our work of meeting the needs of the children and youth in our community and the families that care for them.
Let’s also remember to nurture ourselves, to keep fresh and healthy so that we can continue to provide the care that is so needed by our `Ohana.
I want to share this link with you, Helping Children Deal with Tragic Events in the News, where Mr. Rogers talks about what his mother taught him when it came to scary situations. I hope that it helps you and your `Ohana today.
I look forward to the day when ALL children are cherished and have EVERY need met. I appreciate all that you do to help this dream become a reality.
In Peace, Judith Wilhoite