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It Takes an 'Ohana

Hawaii's Foster Care Resource


All states are mandated to establish an ongoing training requirement for resource caregivers by the federal government to  ensure the safety and support of children, youth and families.  As a resource caregiver who has been “in the trenches”, I believe that the needs of foster children I have had in my home could not be adequately handled with intuition nor with skills from my previous parenting experience.  Training helped me  become a much better parent, both to my foster and birth children. Thus I am happy to learn that the Hawai`i Department of Human Services has initiated a Mandatory Ongoing Training Requirement for all licensed resource families beginning 1/1/13.

Details: After the initial licensing year (H.A.N.A.I. curriculum for licensure), a minimum of six (6) training hours per family will be required annually or 12 hours over a two year licensing period. Click here to read the letter from DHS that outlines the ongoing training requirements.

Training methods besides attending live trainings are plentiful and outlined in the Approved Training List. Click here to be linked to the Approved Training List.

Here is the link to the Resource Caregiver Training Verification form.

Family Programs Hawai`i provides FREE, ongoing trainings statewide.
  Go to to see our calendar of events.  You may also visit other community agencies for possible training opportunities.  In addition, Alternative Training Methods,  will be allowed in addition to in-person participation at conferences, etc. (eg., a chart is being developed as a guide, with other discretion by licensing).


Dependent upon availability of funds, “completion awards” for new and families who complete their training requirements are being explored:
*  New unconditionally licensed families in 2013 and going forth can be considered for “completion awards”, dependent upon available funds;
*  Resource Families who have renewals due in 2013—can either get a “Bye” for the 6 hours of required training or be considered for the “completion award” for meeting ALL renewal requirements.  From 2014, all Resource Families will need to meet all renewal requirements which will include the training requirements—and can be considered for “completion awards”, dependent upon available funds.

Questions?  Please contact your licensing worker, the FPH Warm Line at 545-1130 or (toll free) 1-866-545-0882 or ITAO at (808) 540-2543 if you have questions.

Mahalo for all your aloha and commitment to our children, youth and their families!

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