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It Takes an 'Ohana

Hawaii's Foster Care Resource

It Takes an ‘Ohana is a program of Family Programs Hawaii. We provide the latest news in foster care and updates to Hawaii’s child welfare laws. For more information on foster care and strengthening families in Hawaii, visit our main website by clicking the button below.

Family Programs Hawaii

`Ohana is Forever VII


Below are the handouts and links to information given at the `Ohana is Forever VII: H.O.P.E. –   Honoring Our Path to EmpowerMEnt Conference on July 19, 2013 at Ko`olau Ballrooms in Kaneohe, Hawai`i.

We hope these resources will be helpful for current and former foster youth in their quest to live happy, productive lives.

Handouts/Resources from Conference:


Speaker Information

Workshop: There’s a Rainbow in There! LGBTQ Youth in (and out) of Foster Care

Presenters: Antonia Alvarez and  Kintaro Yonekura

This factsheet provides information for foster parents to help them learn about LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning) youth in the child welfare system, the unique risks they face, and the important role that foster parents can play in reducing those risks. The factsheet outlines specific actions that foster parents can take to create a welcoming home for all youth in their care and to promote youths’ health and well-being in the community. Also included are links to many resources for more information and support.

Workshop: EmpowerMEnt: Past, Present, and Future Through the Eyes of Mother and Daughter

Presenters: Jennifer Torres and Crystal Brown

Workshop: Social Capital: Empowering Young People through Networks of Support

Presented by HI H.O.P.E.S. Board with special guest Victoria Rowell

Video:  Social Capital: Building Networks of Support for Young People

Workshop: Not Bound by Blood

Presented by the Hawai‘i Foster Youth Coalition

Resources for Adult Supporters of Youth:

Adult supporters of youth can get information by calling ITAO at (808) 540-2543, visiting our homepage by clicking here or emailing us at  You can also click here to find support on the Family Programs Hawaii website.

This event was funded by the Hawai‘i Court Improvement Program and the Victoria S. and Bradley L. Geist Foundation, supported by the Hawai‘i Department of Human Services,  EPIC `Ohana and First Circuit Family Court and coordinated by Family Programs Hawai‘i.


Foster Care Extended to Age 21 in Hawai`i

Gov. Neil Abercrombie with youth and adult supporters of Senate Bill 1340 into law

Gov. Neil Abercrombie with youth and adult supporters of Senate Bill 1340

Gov. Neil Abercrombie with some of the adult supporters of Senate Bill 1340 into law

Gov. Neil Abercrombie with some of the adult supporters of Senate Bill 1340

Gov. Neil Abercrombie signed Senate Bill 1340 into law July 1, 2013 at the State Capitol before an audience that included politicians, policy makers and youth advocates, the young and old alike.  SB 1340, now Act 252, extends voluntary foster care to age 21 in Hawaii.  The law will go into effect July 1, 2014,  giving the department time to develop the program.

Governor Abercrombie said that this sends a pertinent message to adults who were former foster youth, that  “They will be continued to be supported into their transition to adulthood and assisted  in their journey to become independent and self sufficient. ..Having these supports in place, I think, helps to set a course and lay a foundation for long term positive results for youth.”

We thank the many talented people who worked to make this dream a reality!

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