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It Takes an 'Ohana

Hawaii's Foster Care Resource

It Takes an ‘Ohana is a program of Family Programs Hawaii. We provide the latest news in foster care and updates to Hawaii’s child welfare laws. For more information on foster care and strengthening families in Hawaii, visit our main website by clicking the button below.

Family Programs Hawaii

2011 Annual Child Welfare Law Update Conference Handouts

The following are the handouts for the 2011 Annual Child Welfare Law Update Conference that was held in Kaneohe, HI on August 12, 2011.

587A – CHILD PROTECTIVE ACT (2011 amendments) withTOC v4 Aug 09 2011

2011 CW Law Update Outline

Act 47

Act 51

Act 77

Act 179

CAPTA – Changes to eligibility – 2003 to 2010 amendments-1

CPA Detailed Flowchart 39 June 13 2011

CPA Flowchart with JUSTIS codes – v9 June 13 2011 (2)

HI_SDO _Memo Op Table


ChildrensBureau – lgbtq April 6 2011


Engaging adolescents in court age 12-15

Engaging older adolescents Age 16+

Engaging School Age Children Age 5-11

Engaging Toddlers and preschoolers Age 3-5

Engaging young children age 0-12 mos

involving youth matters – kendrick

LGBT People

Opening Doors Hawaii 2011

Resources – Opening Doors

Youth in court sample policy

Youth in court tips

2010 Interagency MOU of Interagency QA

ABA – Children and the Law – Links to sites

Center for law and social policy Fostering Connections Act Summary

Hawaii Fostering Connections 8 12 11

HI Reasonable Efforts Panel new

Judicial Guide to Fostering Connections 2011

Project Kealahou fact sheet

Questions and answers re Fostering Connections

Transition Plans CLP

Braided Cord: Tough Times In and Out

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Liz Kulp was diagnosed with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) as a young teen. Knowing her challenges and understanding her strengths helped her graduate from public high school and strive to move on to independent adulthood like her peers. But, she soon learned that life within the context of a family that understood and helped her gain the desire for independence had not prepared her to live in a world filled with predators and abstract thinking. Liz unashamedly lets readers inside the world of adult transition for many of our young people with FASD. This is her story,  a story you will not soon forget.

Author’s are Liz Kulp , Jodee Kulp and Karl Kulp

More Articles

Forced Separations and Forced Reunions in the Foster Care System

This article from the July 2005 Zero to Three national publication emphasizes the importance of understanding the emotional needs of infants and toddlers when making decisions about placement. The importance of attachment to a primary caregiver is discussed.

Kinship Care Report to Congress, June 2000

The Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997 directed the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to develop this report to Congress. Sarah Casken, the HFPA executive Director, served as a member of the ASFA-designated Advisory Panel on Kinship Care which met in October 1998 and January 1999 in Washington, D.C. to provide input to this report.

Kinship Care: Making the Most of a Valuable Resource

Kinship care has traditionally been an informal service that family members provide for each other in times of crisis. More recently, however, it has also become part of the child welfare system’s array of services.