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It Takes an 'Ohana

Hawaii's Foster Care Resource

It Takes an ‘Ohana is a program of Family Programs Hawaii. We provide the latest news in foster care and updates to Hawaii’s child welfare laws. For more information on foster care and strengthening families in Hawaii, visit our main website by clicking the button below.

Family Programs Hawaii

Trauma Stewardship: An Everyday Guide to Caring for Self While Caring for Others

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A longtime trauma worker, Laura van Dernoot Lipsky offers a deep and empathetic survey of the often-unrecognized toll on those working to make the world a better place. We may feel tired, cynical, numb, or like we can never do enough. These, and other symptoms, affect us individually and collectively, sapping the energy and effectiveness we so desperately need if we are to benefit humankind, other animals, and the planet itself. Through Trauma Stewardship, we are called to meet these challenges in an intentional way–not by becoming overwhelmed but by developing a quality of mindful presence. Joining the wisdom of ancient cultural traditions with modern psychological research, Lipsky offers a variety of simple and profound practices that will allow us to remake ourselves–and ultimately the world.

SPIN’s 2011 Parent of the Year

Ginny Wright, a former resource caregiver (formerly referred to as a foster parent) for the Hawai`i Department of Human Services, was awarded, “Parent of the Year” at the 2011  SPIN Conference.   Ginny is a mother of five adopted children, two of whom have a Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD).  Ginny has been a pioneer in bringing awareness to parents and professionals in the field of FASD.  read more…

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California Extends Benefits for Youth in Care

On Thursday, September 30, 2010, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a bill that will extend support to youth in foster care who are between the ages of 18 and 21. According to Governor Schwarzenegger, the new benefits “will ensure our foster youth have access to important resources as they transition into adulthood.”