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Authority to Provide Educational Consent

Foster parents have the authority to sign many of the forms needed in the educational system, including field trip permission slips, report cards, forms for the free and reduced lunch program, permission to participate in classes such as sex education, pregnant teen...

Clarification on CWSB Administrative Review Panel

This document clarifies for DHS social workers the procedure for challenging policydirectives. The document states that all policies are based on Federal laws, evidence-based research and best interests of children.  Some of the policies, however, have created a cause...

DHS Child Welfare Services Phone List

Lists Child Welfare workers on all the islands alphabetically by last name and by unit. Gives phone number, e-mail addresses and unit name. Download: Current DHS Staff Listed in Alphabetical Order -11-29-13. Staff are listed by units, which are organized by geographic...

DHS Confidentiality Rules–Chapter 17-1601

In this PowerPoint presentation, which can be downloaded and printed out, DHS outlines the changes in the confidentiality rules.  DHS states that they are implementing these changes so individuals and agencies who have a reason and need can easily access information...

DHS Mandated Reporter Guide

Protection and safety of children require the involvement of all community members.  Reporting of suspected child abuse and neglect by the mandated reporter is a primary intervention that identifies harm or the threat of harm to children.  A report of abuse or neglect...