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It Takes an 'Ohana

Hawaii's Foster Care Resource

It Takes an ‘Ohana is a program of Family Programs Hawaii. We provide the latest news in foster care and updates to Hawaii’s child welfare laws. For more information on foster care and strengthening families in Hawaii, visit our main website by clicking the button below.

Family Programs Hawaii

Information Resource Caregivers are Entitled To

We at ITAO believe strongly that “Knowledge is Power”, thus work to bring the information you need as a resource family to you.  In particular, we believe that information about your foster child and the case plan is necessary for you to have so that you can provide the best care for each child in your home. In light of that need, we worked with the Hawai`i Department of Human Services to put together a fact sheet we call “Information Resource Caregivers are Entitled To”.  Click here to download this up-to-date, DHS approved list: Info RC Entitled to.

Who Ya Gonna Call?

In January of 2015 ITAO worked with DHS to update the list of phone numbers that resource caregivers may need in the course of fostering the children in their care.  Click here to download the list:  Who-To-Call.

Here are some of the  numbers resource families ask for frequently:

FPH Warm Line: (808) 545-1130 or (toll free) 1-866-545-0882

ITAO: (808) 542-4006

DHS Complaint Line: (808) 586-4994

We send a big MAHALO to each and every person who steps up to the plate to help children and families in need and hope that this information is helpful to YOU!


More Articles

5 Ways to Know You’re Ready to Be a Foster Parent

Follow this link to read a short but important article that does a beautiful job of articulating 5 basic realities of foster parenting. Written by Solvej Schou, who writes regularly for TakePart,and has also contributed to the Associated Press, Los Angeles Times,, and Entertainment Weekly. The story starts with:

“Becoming a foster parent can be one of the most rewarding and loving acts of your life, but it is not an easy decision. Nor should it be. It takes extensive training, flexibility, commitment, hard work, and a willingness to provide a safe and stable temporary home for children who have been removed from their birth parents’ care by the court until family problems are resolved.”

How to Submit Testimony

When a bill is scheduled to be heard, it is very important to let our legislators know that there is a lot of community support for your cause! Follow links for tips on submitting testimony in Hawai`i.